Yo I've Been to the Year 3000

Friday, May 12, 2006

May 8, 2006

Once upon a time there was a little boy named Anson. He always told his mom about eyeballs, like in Spongebob where his eye balls come out and swing on swings. Then spiders came out of his eyeballs. Then, one time he got sicked out by eyeballs, but the eyeballs came alive and attacked him. Then they came and got on his mom. But, when they attacked him, it was ok, that’s not bad. There will be a bad part later. Then, he put some pants on his head and watched TV. Then, the next day, he got some underwear, put it on his head, told his dad he was off to school. He went to school and everybody didn’t like it. Then, they put a baby shirt on his head. Only his mom typing on the computer could see it. Oh, and I never told you, but his mom was named Heather. And, he had a weird brother. He always got dangerous. One time he broke his collar bone. Then, here comes the bad part. Then, Hayden did this crazy trick and he broke all his bones. Then, the next day Hayden came home and everybody got scared, because he looked like a living sea monster. So, Anson had to make him come to his lab, put him in this thing, where he couldn’t get out. Then, he made him different and he wasn’t a sea monster anymore. But then, he hurt himself. The next day when he came home, he turned into Allergy Men. Not man. Men. Then, he had to go to the lab and fix his own self. It was easy for him since he was a boy genius. He invented a pet named Gottard. He helped him. Then, he was back normal. The End.


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