Yo I've Been to the Year 3000

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Anson, the only 6 year old who writes about a DVR

Once upon a time there was a little, little, little baby. Then another baby came. His name was Do-lop-a-lop-a-lop-a-lop-a. Then another baby came and this baby was Pa-la-la-la-la-la-la. Then they broke a DVR. Then a big, big, big, big monster came out of the DVR. The monster sucked up all the time. No one knew what time it was ever, ever, ever, ever again. If no one had any time, it would be scary. Everybody would be shouting, “I want my mama. I’m sucking my thumb!” They could never eat lunch, supper, breakfast, play outside, play the game boy for thirty minutes. The three babies, named Ashton, Do-lop-a-lop-a-lop-a-lop-a, and Pa-la-la-la-la-la-la fixed the DVR, made the monster suck up into the DVR and they lived happily ever after. Then they watched a movie. The End.


Blogger Jennifer Bacak said...

Those are some different names for your siblings! Maybe we should get your parents a name book to choose names from next time they have a baby.
You are right, the world would be scary if we never knew what time it was. I'm very glad the ugly monster was defeated!
Ms. Jenn

3:57 PM  

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