Here’s the problem with Cinderella: I think it was so dumb that the prince would try the slipper on all the girls because what about if it could fit on one of them, (but we already know it’s Cinderella)? What if it would have fit on the wrong girl? He would think she was the beautiful girl but it really wasn’t! Then he would marry the wrong one. That would be dumb if he did.
So, here’s what the prince should have done instead:
He should have gone to his dad to ask him what would be a good plan, so his dad could tell him a good idea because it says in the Bible listen to older people that loves Jesus and get advice from them.
So, I called my dad and asked him what he would have done.
My dad said maybe the carriage drove away, but it left its marks, so the prince could just follow the marks to the house. And, he could have gone to the police so they could see if there were any fingerprints.
I asked my mom and she said:
“The prince should be blindfolded…and then all the girls from the kingdom should be brought to the castle. Then, he should dance with them and talk to them again to see if he could tell who the girl was by remembering how lovely she danced, and by recognizing her sweet voice.”
So, after listening to their advice, I decided to call the police. They could try and find some fingerprints of the beautiful girl. Finding the tracks wouldn’t work because it striked midnight and the carriage turned back into a pumpkin right outside the castle. So that’s why I can’t do that one.
So, let’s say that after the beautiful lady disappeared, instead of trying to find the girl whose foot fit in a shoe, he called the police. The police came and seed if there were any fingerprints. There was fingerprints! So all the girls had to get their fingerprints taken, but the prince did not tell them why. The evil step mother thought there was like a thief, so she made Cinderella have her fingerprints taken because she thought maybe she would go to jail. Cinderella is the one that has the same fingerprints so she gets married to the prince and they live happily ever after.