Yo I've Been to the Year 3000

Friday, November 17, 2006

Once upon a time there was a 100 year old man. He liked to fight. He fighted so much that he would go like, “Hey, wanna piece of me” then he would punch people in the stomach. His name was Tooter. He wears a muscle shirt and pants. And he sleeps with nothing on him at night. Not even his underwear. Old people toot a lot. They drive so slow too.

He even does pillow fights, and on the trampoline, he will go up to people and he will say, “Hey, look up” and then he will do a belly flop on them. The old man gets arrested a lot because he does too many bad stuff to people. To get him good, he gets hit by an asteroid that is as big as Jupiter. Actually, it’s as big as Pluto. So Tooter gets knocked out. And he forgets all about that bad stuff, like fighting and all that stuff, and that’s how he turns good. He doesn’t get arrested so much because he doesn’t fight as much. He worked at a museum and lived happily ever after.


Blogger freemans4jc said...

hey whats up ??? why do old people toot a lot and why do nthey drive slow answer me back on that. ok??


9:32 AM  
Blogger Carpio Family said...

Hey great story Anson. You are a terrific writer.

8:15 PM  

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