O.K. Matt brought a game called guitar hero and we like it a hole bunch. Now I am going to tell you what you do.
I am going to tell you what the colors are. They are green, red, yellow, blue, and orange. O.K. if you do easy you are going to have to press green, red, and yellow and there is going to be five circles at the bottom. And on medium you press the button to the right of the yellow button and if you are on hard you press the button to the right of the blue and if you are on expert you have to press all of the buttons and you have to press like three buttons at one time so if you need more information come to us and we will bring you to Matt and Erin's house O.K.

Now let me get on to Karaoke Revolution. O.K. Charlie Apel let us borrow karaoke revolution and Matt, Erin, Brock, Megan, Chad, Mom, and Dad played it. Now I am going to tell you what you have to do O.K.
what you do is you have to sing at the right note and if you are on story mode you can get booed off but if you are on quick play you can not get booed off. On quick play you can win stuff but you have to have a PS2 and you have to have a controller to play
If you have played these games which one is your favorite? If you have not played them which one would you want to play the most?
Now you must comment and when people stop commenting on my blog i am going to write what game wins so start commenting now.