Guitar Hero vs Karaoke Revolution.

O.K. Matt brought a game called guitar hero and we like it a hole bunch. Now I am going to tell you what you do.
I am going to tell you what the colors are. They are green, red, yellow, blue, and orange. O.K. if you do easy you are going to have to press green, red, and yellow and there is going to be five circles at the bottom. And on medium you press the button to the right of the yellow button and if you are on hard you press the button to the right of the blue and if you are on expert you have to press all of the buttons and you have to press like three buttons at one time so if you need more information come to us and we will bring you to Matt and Erin's house O.K.

Now let me get on to Karaoke Revolution. O.K. Charlie Apel let us borrow karaoke revolution and Matt, Erin, Brock, Megan, Chad, Mom, and Dad played it. Now I am going to tell you what you have to do O.K.
what you do is you have to sing at the right note and if you are on story mode you can get booed off but if you are on quick play you can not get booed off. On quick play you can win stuff but you have to have a PS2 and you have to have a controller to play
If you have played these games which one is your favorite? If you have not played them which one would you want to play the most?
Now you must comment and when people stop commenting on my blog i am going to write what game wins so start commenting now.
Hi My Sweet Anson!
You made me very happy with this post. You see, for a very long time, I have wanted some one to invent a Karaoke game. It has been a lifelong dream of mine to play a game like this. Primarily for the fun of it and also the pure glee of beating your Uncle J at ONE video game since he is THE WHIZ.
Guitar Hero is super fun as well. I enjoyed playing that very much even though I stink at being a rock star!
You on the other hand are a natural born rock star....I mean, look at your mom & dad. Both rock stars!
My vote would have to go to the Karaoke game even though I haven't played it.....YET! I know that it would be a favorite of my for sure!
I love you kiddo. I can't wait to come to your house to sing some Karaoke.
Aunt Lynsey
You don't know me, but I am Cwaire's big cousin. I think you are totally smart, and you did a fantastic job of writing this blog entry. It's very impressive for a seven-year old. Your mom must be a great teacher! I think you and my son, Jacob, have loads in common!
Mrs. Aimee
Sweet. A poll. These are good.
This is a tough one. I've played both games and I like them both a lot, but I'm going to have to go with Guitar Hero as my preferred game because it's easier to play songs that you don't know. It's hard to do that on Karaoke Revolution.
I look forward to seeing the results. Pie Chart??
It is a pleasure to be the first one to comment, Anson!
Well, I would like to choose my favorite by saying the one that I'm actually better than you at...but since that would be neither, I can't go that route!
So, instead, I'll choose the one that makes my heart melt, the one that no matter what anyone says (or snorts while rolling on the floor), deep down inside, I feel that I'm pretty good at..:)
So the winner is Karaoke Revolution.
So take that matter what you say, I'm going to keep on singing!
By the way, Anson, great great blog! You're a just as good, if not better, writer than your mom.
And that's your teacher I'm talking about too! So props to my man!
I really like them both.
It's hard to pick which one is the best.
Let's see ...
I agree with D.O. about how you can play just about any song on Guitar Hero even if you don't really know that song. As long as you push the button at the right time, it plays the right note.
But on Karaoke Revolution, you have to sing at the right time, but also sing the right note. That makes it a lot harder.
So I would pick Guitar Hero. But, like Brock, I'm going to go with the one that is the most fun to watch.
Karaoke Revolution really makes me laugh ... especially when Brock or Nathaniel are the ones singing.
So I pick Karaoke Revolution.
We need to just buy that game and buy a version with more songs that we know.
Great job on your post.
Love you,
Thanks for this opportunity to get my brain thinking on which game I would like to play most. I have not had the opportunity to test either Guitar Hero nor Karaoke Revolution! However, I read your mom's blog almost daily, and I have been dying to get Guitar Hero since she mentioned it...
I'm gonna have to say my choice would be Guitar Hero. It seems like a game a group of people could pay without too much embarassment. :)
Have a super day!
I am so glad you wrote this post! I have still never played Guitar Hero and have been wondering how you play it! Thanks for explaining!
Karaoke Revolution is a favorite of mine...we've been playing it about two years. Charlie LOVES this day I left the house to go run errands and when I left he was playing. And when I came back 4 hours later--he was STILL playing! He's pretty good from all that practice...he gets "Diamond" more than anyone else I've ever seen.
We need to come over and play Guitar Hero with you...I can't wait!
I have only played Guitar Hero once, one song, on easy, and I was terrible....BUT, I will say that there was a room full of kids who were shouting and playing. I need concentration, people. You'll have to help me learn to play when the boys get the game someday. I know I will love it!
I have not played Karaoke Revolution, so I'm going to vote for Guitar Hero. Afterall, it is all I hear about from Joseph.
Well... I only really have experience playing one of the games. That's Guitar Hero.
And really... that's enough for me! I think it's so much better than any of those other games!
I have seen Karaoke Revolution played, and it looks cool and all... but, honestly... it kind of freaks me out to actually have my voice coming through the TV screen. At least with Guitar Hero you can blame it on you lack of video game skills.
Great post though! I'm really impressed that you wrote this all by yourself. I'm pretty sure I was still being potty trained at your age... so, you're way ahead of the game!
Miss you buddy... keep up the good work!
Great blog!
I've never played either game, but I'm pretty sure I'd have to go with guitar hero, because I wouldn't want to sing all by myself. I like singing with a group of people like at church, but not solo. That seems kind of scary to me.
Keep up the good work.
PS Which one is your favorite?
It is Guitar Hero.
what up man,
nice post.
i may be a little late with this but i would have to go with guitar hero, just because of the song selection, its a lot better.
karaoke revolution is tons of fun, but it just doesn't match up with guitar hero.
later man,
Anson, you know Matt and I definitely say Guitar Hero!!! I'm very impressed with your post. This weekend we need to rock it out with guitar hero. What do you say? Pretty soon you're going to be playing on Expert! I can't believe it!!!
You're favorite neighbors! :)
Most definitely, I would choose Guitar Hero. I do not play video games, but what could be better than pretending to be layin' down some hot riffs on the electric?
your buddy,
Brandon Rogers
Never played either one, but I'd probably like the singing one better than the guitar playing one. I can only rock inside my brain.
When you get your survey done, maybe you should write a letter to both video game companies. They might want to know what it is about their games that people like and don't like.
Sure am proud of you. This was a great idea!
Sweet post I love polls! And the fact that this one has to do with Guitar Hero is amazing! I have never played the game put I did see pictures of the Guitar Hero Hall of Fame and I can't imagine putting Guitars and Videos games together and not having fun so Guitar Hero has my vote!
I need to vote!
I LOVE both of these this will be a hard decision.
I'm going to have to go with Guitar Hero because it's a game I like to play with a large group.
Karaoke Revolution is one I like to play alone.
And...when I daydream...I dream about being a rock star on the drums or the electric guitar more than being a singing diva.
I love you little boy!! When did you get so grown up and smart?
Anson! What a great post! After much thought and consideration, I am voting Guitar Hero. I mean, Karaoke Revolution is fun and all, but you just can't beat Guitar Hero. It's the best.
I'm pretty terrible at both though... maybe next time I come visit we can work on my skillz!
Your post is longer than mine ever are! You are amazing! Well I am going to be honest, I just wanted to comment on your blog. I can't tell you what my favorite would be because I havent played the karoke one...But i do enjoy watching people have so much fun playing guitar hero, so we will say that one is my favorite! You are awesome dude! oh and you better watch your back, because I will be tickle-attacking you soon.
I am afraid I will be no help on this topic. I have never played either game.
If I had to choose one (and I do), I will cast a vote for guitar hero. Though I wish I was better at both singing and guitar playing, being an incredible guitar player is more impressive to me. So there you go. That's my reason. That and just the thought of seeing a computer tell me exactly how off my singing really is terrifies me.
-Bro. Bill (formerly just Bill)
What's up Anson?
I would like guitar hero. It looks fun.
see you later Anson.
Thanks for commenting on my blog people and Guitar Hero is wining
Wade is all Guitar Hero, but I prefer Karaoke Revolution. Yeah BABY!!! Love ya
I agree with your mom- I would much rather play guitar hero with a big group and karaoke revolution by myself. That way I can continue thinking I am a good singer! ha :)
So.. my vote goes to GUITAR HERO!
Great blog and great idea!!
We need to play both again soon!!
Great Blog ..... but I do not know either one.... so sorry.......
But ........ I sure LOVE YOU!
To my sailing buddy..... you sure drive a mean sailboat....
Hey Anson,
I LOVE Karaoke Revolution! It's my favorite video game ever. Matt Palermo and your uncle Jason can stomp me at Halo, but they cannot touch me at Karaoke Revolution. I really need to practice my Guitar Hero. I think I could like that one a lot, too. So find out when we can come over and play because it looks like Kirby wanted to come play, too.
My vote is for Guitar Hero. I don't have the game, but me and my roommate (Valerie-who I think she was one of your AWANA leaders) go to Best Buy and play a lot.
I hope I get to play it for my 25th bday on Saturday...I'm having a Guitar Hero cake!
PS (I'm Ms. Dianna's daughter!)
I vote for Karaoke Revolution...not because I love singing in front of other people..but because I LOVE laughing at the other people while they are playing! Charlie is the best at this! I haven't played guitar hero yet..but I would love to come over and learn from you! I hear you're awesome at it!
Hey Anson!
I have not played either, but if I had to choose, I would definitely go with the Karaoke one. I love to sing and don't know much about playing a guitar, but I super enjoy watching you play Guitar Hero with Dakota!! :)
I think you all should have a band! Seriously and maybe your mom and I could be the back up singers and dancers! What do you think!
See you Saturday night!
Funny and I have bin working out so be afraid props man (PS you are crazy YOU GOT IT.)
Hey Anson! i have tried to play guitar hero and lets just say it didnt go well, even on easy i am no good. so if you can play even through one song that is awesome! and as far as the karaoke game goes i just dont think that anyone would want to play wth me. ive never played but im sure that if i did it would have to be in an isolated room far far away from the public
Love you Anson and happy early birthday!! Tell your brothers and your mom and dad i love them too!!
Ash (p.s. Cash rocks at guitar hero...he is the best that i know you two should play and see who wins)
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