Yo I've Been to the Year 3000

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Why the Mayans Disappeared

Last summer me and my family went on vacation to Mexico. My grandma showed me a secret contraption. She said it would make us be able to go back in time. Of course, the place I wanted to go was the jungle. I wanted to go back a long time ago to find out why the Mayans disappeared. The Mayans looked a lot like cave mans. All the Incas and the Aztecs came to kill them. The place got too stinky because everybody killed animals. They only got their meat and left their skin out so it made it really stinky. So stinky that they went to Africa. They chopped down a lot of trees and made a boat. They paddled there. The End.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Humpty Dumpty Remix

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty got struck by a thunder cloud
He fell down
All the men came to help
But, all their horses just pooed on Humpty Dumpty
So, the king’s men had to put their hands in their horse’s poo.
That’s how Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall into pieces
That’s the story of Humpty Dumpty who got pooed on.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Doogal Movie Review

Last night we watched Doogal. We ate candy. Mike and Like and Gummy Bears. My favorite part was when Doogal said, "Stand back, I know Dog-Fu." That's pretty much all that I can think of. Other people should see this movie. My favorite person was the rabbit. This movie had no scary parts or sad parts. It should be rated K.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Anson's Song

this is an audio post - click to play

This song is a rap in pizza language. It is going to be funny. It's all about pizza.

Ricky Ricotta's Giant Robot vs. The Voodoo Vultures from Venus Book Review

Oh, if you're wondering, this book is number 3. The Ricky Ricotta's Giant Robot vs. the Mutant Mosquitoes from Mercury was book 2.

Ricky Ricotta is the mouse. The robot is a robot and Ricky's friend. They fight the Voodoo vultures from Venus. Venus is the second planet in the solar system. I like the flip-o-rama. Other people should read this book, and the second book.

Some new words I learned in this book are:

Justice. It means when the right thing happens.

Rodent. It means pest.

Prevails. It means to win.

Responsibility. Doing the right thing that needs to be done.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Anson, the only 6 year old who writes about a DVR

Once upon a time there was a little, little, little baby. Then another baby came. His name was Do-lop-a-lop-a-lop-a-lop-a. Then another baby came and this baby was Pa-la-la-la-la-la-la. Then they broke a DVR. Then a big, big, big, big monster came out of the DVR. The monster sucked up all the time. No one knew what time it was ever, ever, ever, ever again. If no one had any time, it would be scary. Everybody would be shouting, “I want my mama. I’m sucking my thumb!” They could never eat lunch, supper, breakfast, play outside, play the game boy for thirty minutes. The three babies, named Ashton, Do-lop-a-lop-a-lop-a-lop-a, and Pa-la-la-la-la-la-la fixed the DVR, made the monster suck up into the DVR and they lived happily ever after. Then they watched a movie. The End.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I love you Daddy!

I like hanging out with Daddy. I love Daddy. He is so fun. He is funny. My favorite thing to do with Daddy is go to places with him. We go to Target, Lowes, Wal-Mart and Hastings. I like to spend time with him. On Father’s Day, I want to give him 100 hugs.

My Story About My Dad

Once upon a time there was a dad named Aaron. Oh, and this dad was a super dad. He like kicked bad guys in the face. And, he kicked them in the belly and almost where their wee-wee was. Then he went home, watched a thirty minute show, took a nap. In his nap, he had a terrible dream. The good guys were losing. Then dad went home, got a bazooka and then he came back and shoot all the bad guys. Then he woke up and his dream was true. The good guys WERE losing! So then, well, he already was home, so he just got his bazooka that was in the house. Then he shot all the bad guys. The dad came home and all of his kids came and hugged him 100 times. The End.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

How Anson Eats Skittles

Gets a plate.
Dumps them out.
Sorts them by color.
Picks them up in a color pattern.
The SAME pattern each time.
Then eats the stack.

He's got some Uncle Jason in him.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Nanny McPhee Movie Review

Today I finished watching Nanny McPhee. I did not like it. It only had some funny parts. My favorite part was when they had the food fight. My favorite person was the baby. She said, "Poop, bum, poop, bum."

I don't think anybody should watch this movie. BORING. I mean, come on, this is boring.

Park Monster Makes a Come Back

Once upon a time there was a little boy named Anson. He went to a place called The End. A monster came. He attacked him, took him away, got a ooba-lock-a-lock-a. He shoots the monster. Then he went to Target. He saw a Batman mask for free. But, he didn’t know it would give him super powers. He weared it on and then Batman came. Then Robin came. Then they left but then the Joker came. He took the mask, but he didn’t know it wasn’t Batman. Then he saw the face, so he just let go. But, Batman saw joker and he shot him. Then, came the monster. But, he was a nice monster. He threw flowers he got from the Park Monster. Park Monster helped the little boy. He went to McDonalds. He saw another monster, but it was evil. It was from the evil Batman. Then, the little boy went to home and he got his blah-lock-a-lock-a. Then, he went back to McDonalds and shot the evil Batman. Then he ate lunch, went home, watched a 30 minute Arthur. Then he took a nap for two hours. The End.

I have to read a whole book and tell Mom and Dad if it's ok, then I have to put something I liked about that book on my story blog. Then I get one whole dollar! This is my first one. And after this, I'm reading another one. I want to get the money.

This book is called Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot vs. the Mutant Mosquitoes from Mercury. My favorite part was Flip-O-Rama. Oh, if you need to know, it's at the back. They are fighting. Flip-O-Rama is where you make the pages go back and forth. It looks like they are actually fighting in real life.

This is a good one. You should read it. You should check it out from the library.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

So Articulate

Tonight when I was tucking Anson into bed, he was talking about something and said, "Mom, a nerd of some people." He is so cute.