Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot Book Report

I didn’t read this in order. I forgot to. This story was about a mouse and a huge robot. They fight evil. The bad guy was Dr. Stinky. He tried to destroy the world, like almost every bad guy. My favorite part was flip-o-rama. I was reading the Dr. Stinky parts in an evil way. Click below to hear my Dr. Stinky voice.
I get called Dr. Stinky a lot, or maybe I just get called stinky. My mom would always call your dad and me stinky boys. I never out grew it.
That was a kind of funny story. Maybe you could write more about it and tell us more. Maybe you could write the whole story and remember it. See you, I hope I see you soon. Okay, well, um, hope I see you again. That WAS a funny story; that kind of robot story. Is the story a book or a movie? Is that a movie or a magazine? I don't know what it is. Bye-Bye.
Emma Bacak
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