The Enchanted Pig

Once upon a time there were three princes. One of the princes was enchanted. A magic wolf put a spell on the prince. The spell was that the prince had to stay a pig until he got married. So the pig tried to look as handsome as he could by putting on a tuxedo, put his hair flat, he brushed his teeth, put cologne on him, and put some deodorant on. Then he went out looking for a lady pig because he knew a fairy that could change the lady pig into a human princess. Finally he found a pig that was a girl at the zoo. The girl pig wants to marry him because she has the same spell as the boy pig has on him. So the boy pig says, “Do you want to marry me?” Then the girl pig says, “Yes, I would love to.” Then the boy pig gives the girl pig an engagement necklace because pigs can’t wear rings, silly. Then they got married. (I should have told you a little while back in the story, but the girl pig was really having a spell on her, but the boy pig didn’t really know that she had a spell on her.) They get married and both of their spells get broken. The boy pig turns into the prince and the girl pig turns into a princess. The prince gets a wish and his wish is he wishes he has a huge tower that’s 1,000 feet big. Because the magic wolf said whenever you have breakin the spell you get a wish. And that’s what he wished for is a 1000 feet big castle. And they lived happily ever after in their 1,000 feet big castle. Oink. Oink. That means the end.
We are learning all about fairy tales right now before we head to the Ren. Festival this month.
Basically, fairy tales have 8 elements.
Anson has to write new fairy tales after he draws one of each of the elements from the fairy tales we've already read out of a bag.
He ends up with 8 random elements that he has to piece together into a new fairy tale.
This was his first shot.
He was very upset by this assigment. His brain likes things to be the right way, so chopping up a perfectly good story and then using those elements to make up crazy stories seemed all wrong to him...but he did it...and did a great job...and was stretched FAR out of his comfort zone! How cute is he. He is EXACTLY LIKE HIS DADDY.
When I read this assinment, I was so excited about doing this...making new stories, using all random elements from all the various fairy seemed like heaven to me.
Not to Anson.
Not to Aaron.
We are all so different in this house!
Hi anson.I liked your blog.will check it out now and then to see how you are doing.I will keep you in my prayers.I have 4 grandkids so one more on my prayer list will be fun.hope you don,t mine a grandma on your blog?God bless you and have a really nice day.Iam from the midwest and am a country girl.your mom sounds like a wise woman.don,t trust no one on the net.and don,t give out any info that could lead to you.there are some very bad people out there.
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