What is Easter

Good Friday, I know that Jesus died on the cross for our sins.
He was buried, that he was raised, on the third day according to the scriptures. That's a verse in the Bible. It's in the New Testament.
Why is it called Good Friday anyway? I don't have no idea why on Earth it's called Good Friday. On that day Jesus got beaten up, whipped and died on the cross. Then they started making fun of him, put a big crown on him with thorns on him...and then he was dead. The only reason why it is good is because he died on the cross for our sins so that we could go to heaven and we'll know how to live right.
He rose again three days later. Right now He's in heaven.
Happy Easter!
Anson, I think the same thing!! I always thought "Good Friday" was the wrong name. But I guess you're right - it's good because Jesus did all those things since he loved us so much.
Every day, I wonder why he loves me. But I understand why he loves you - you're something special!
Amen & praise our great God! It's so exciting to find other brothers & sisters Who celebrate Good Friday & Resurrection Sunday! Thanks for sharing a great verse & some good truth! :)
~Deborah in Ohio
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