Tower of Babel?

Once upon a time there was a little boy named Anson. He likes building stuff. One day he built something so big, it was almost as big as the Eiffel Tower. He would go to Mexico to find stuff and it was always something bad. My head gets turned around. It gets squeezed. I have to sit with the bully in school. He always will go to Turkey. So, he built the Eiffel Tower, but he built it so high, he couldn’t get down. His ladder fell down. So, what’s he going to do? Well, good question. This airplane comes and just picks him up. That’s how he gets down. But, his other friend got stuck up. His name was cook-a-lock-a. Cook-a-lock-a-lock-a-poop-a-lock-a. So, the airplane comes and picks up his friend again. So they are both down, and they never went to build something that big ever that big again. The End.
Well one thing is for sure, if you are going to leave your friends up on top of something that big, I'm not helping you build anything I can't climb off of.
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