Once upon a time there was a princess, named Isabella.But, she really was a witch disguised as a princess.The witch princess had heard there was a magic prince fish in a nearby pond.So, the princess witch goes to the pond because they say if a princess cries in the pond with the magic fish, they will be getting one wish every time.So, the first time she went crying in the pond and the fish thought she was a princess, so she got one wish.The wish was that she would be having a beautiful garden.She got the wish.The next month she went into the garden the second time and cried in the pond.Again, the fish thought she was a princess because she was disguised as one, but she was really a witch.So, he gave her a wish.This wished for a big house and owning land.She got it.A month later she came back to the pond.This time, she wished the fish would die.But the fish did not die because the witch did not know that the fish prince was having eternal life and that another witch had put an evil spell on him, making him a fish, but this spell could be broken if a witch wished on the fish.Once a witch wished on the fish, the fish could now have three wishes himself.The prince fish now knew that the princess wasn’t a princess.It was a witch in a disguise.So, after the prince fish found out that the princess was really a witch, he wished for her to be shriveled up, a mother bird get her and the mother bird feed the witch to her baby birds.He wished and it happened.Then he wished he would be human.He turned into a human, but he couldn’t swim.So, he drowns in the pond.Once he’s dead, he turns back into the fish and he still has one wish left.That wish was for him to jump out of the pond.He jumps out of the pond and gets dead on the ground because fish can’t live on the ground, they have to live in water.Too bad he didn’t pay attention in school!So Princess Emma comes along, sees the fish and cries because she loves animals.Her tears got on the fish and the fish turns back into a real prince and they lived happily ever after.
Hey, I'm Anson. I know I'm just a kid, but I have a lot to say. I also have a mother who is watching this site like crazy. So, if you're a weirdo...I'm the wrong kid to be looking at. My mom will slap some hot fury on you.
I am so proud of Anson!
Fairy Tales have 8 elements:
The number 3
Animals act like humans
Good and evil characters
Happily ever after
Once upon a time
Good wins over evil
He has had to take elements from several fairy tales (this one has pieces of Rapunzel, and The Fisherman and His Wife).
He did a great job writing a story with all 8 elements, and mixing in the two fairy tales!
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