I like Narnia. This book was about Narnia. The main characters in the book are Peter, Susan, Edmond and Lucy. They all go to a house and find a wardrobe. It's got cool stuff. They were playing hide and go seek. Lucy hid in the wardrobe. She walked through coats. Then, she was in Narnia. The others go through the wardrobe too. In Narnia Edmond goes to the White Witch. I don't really know about him. He seems kind of obnoxious. The kids are trying to get to Aslan. The problem in Narnia is that the White Witch rules. She's made it only winter. The White Witch makes Edmond a slave. The law says that she can kill a slave unless someone takes their place. Aslan takes his place. Some time later, Aslan came back to life, just like Jesus. Then they go to the White Witch and she dies. Aslan defeats her. Lucy becomes a princess. Edmond becomes a Knight. Susan becomes Queen. And you know what Peter is...King. That's the only thing. I think this book is kind of weird, but I really like it. My favorite part of the book was the party after the White Witch died. I want to read the rest of these. Yeah baby.
Anson, I'm so proud of you for reading great books!!! This is one of my favorites. There is a part where Aslan is tied to the stone table and the witch is about to kill him, and she tells him that it's all useless, that she will win anyway. And it always makes me cry, because I think that the devil might have been trying to tell Jesus those same things when he was on the cross. But the witch was WRONG, and so was the devil!
Hey, I'm Anson. I know I'm just a kid, but I have a lot to say. I also have a mother who is watching this site like crazy. So, if you're a weirdo...I'm the wrong kid to be looking at. My mom will slap some hot fury on you.
Anson, I'm so proud of you for reading great books!!! This is one of my favorites. There is a part where Aslan is tied to the stone table and the witch is about to kill him, and she tells him that it's all useless, that she will win anyway. And it always makes me cry, because I think that the devil might have been trying to tell Jesus those same things when he was on the cross. But the witch was WRONG, and so was the devil!
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